Michurin's teaching as the property of the masses

In the early years of Michurin's activity, he was faced with the question: "Where to start pumping, how to get down to business?" After much thought, Ivan Vladimirovich embarked on the path of the theory of "acclimatization", which was followed by horticulturists and scientists of that time. They believed that the poor assortment of fruit and berry crops in the central zone of Russia could be improved at the expense of southern varieties by grafting young plants (cuttings) onto hardy rootstocks or into the crown of an adult tree. At the same time, it was believed that the root system of hardy wildfowl would affect the grafted southern varieties, which would be able to tolerate the cold. That's what Michurin did. But severe frosts destroyed Ivan Vladimirovich's entire collection of about 600 varieties, which he collected with great difficulty.

The theory and practice of acclimatization of southern varieties led Michurin to deep disappointment.

Michurin rejected the erroneous path and took a new, more correct path — the breeding of new varieties from the seeds of cultivated varieties formed by natural pollination, followed by the directed upbringing of young seedlings. Then, having accumulated a lot of experience, Michurin moved on to more advanced methods of working with fruit crops — the method of hybridization. From this period, a new stage in Ivan Vladimirovich's work began, full of creative daring, the result of which was the creation of a new direction in biological science, characterized by active human intervention in the creation of new organic forms.

Michurin's teaching became the property of the broad masses of collective farmers and state farm workers. Applying the advice of the great gardener in practice, the leaders of agriculture receive high yields not only of fruits, but also of cereals, industrial and vegetable crops. Michurinsky gardens appeared in the vast expanses of our country. Orchards appeared in the Urals. Gardening has become a profitable item in the advanced collective farms of Altai. And in the dense Tomsk taiga, where, as previously stated, "gardening is impossible," Michurintsy, inspired by the bold ideas of their teacher, grow fruit trees.

A large collection of 90 varieties bred by I. Michurin is presented at the VSHN. The general attention is attracted by the Pepin saffron apple tree, a wonderful winter variety, which has fruits of excellent taste and color. This apple variety was obtained by re-crossing. Michurin first crossed the Pepin Lithuanian variety with a Chinese apple tree. Then, in order to improve its taste qualities, the seedling of this hybrid was re-crossed with the southern variety Renet Orleans.

By crossing the Antonovka vulgaris with the southern variety Renet pineapple, Michurin created a wonderful winter variety Slavyanka. The fruits of the Slavyanka are of good taste, stored until March.

Of great interest is the apple variety "Reinet bergamotny" — a vegetative hybrid between an apple tree and a pear. Michurin grafted a simple seedling of Antonovka six hundred grams onto a wild pear. Ivan Vladimirovich proved that the hereditary property of a plant can be transmitted not only sexually, but also vegetatively.

Michurin bred two large-fruited cherry varieties: Black consumer goods and the Beauty of the North. https://mostbets.pl/
